Building bridges between Informatics and Music: Teaching proposals based on the New Μiddle School Curricula


New Curricula for Μiddle School have recently been developed and piloted in the school years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 in Model and Experimental Schools. In this paper, the new Curricula of Informatics and Music for the Μiddle School were studied in order to explore the points of connection that will be the starting point for building interdisciplinary teaching proposals. It was found that there are many points of connection between the two new Curricula and many opportunities and possibilities to build bridges between the two subjects were identified. Two project plans are proposed that combine expected learning outcomes from the new Curricula of the two courses and follow the methodology proposed in them. The presentation of the teaching proposals makes clear the framework of the cooperation between the teachers of the two courses and highlights their applicability. Based on the proposed project plans, complete learning scenarios can be designed taking into account the particular circumstances in which they will be implemented.

Full text: pdfBuilding bridges between Informatics and Music: Teaching proposals based on the New Μiddle School Curricula. 415 KB