Conflict management and effective administration in the modern school


The effective administration of a school unit is a special challenge for every principal, who wants to adopt best practices and to coordinate the activities of all those involved in the educational process, to ensure the smooth operation of the school unit and its transformation into an effective school. The present research focuses on achieving efficiency through the treatment of a very important problem, which each principal faces in relation to the human resources of the school unit: conflict management. Through bibliographic research the conceptual framework of the study is first presented, with an analysis of the concepts of administration, leadership and efficiency in the school environment. The presentation of the concept of conflicts and the analysis of their management techniques follow, whereas the last section summarizes the findings of the previous parts and presents the discussion, the limitations of the research and the accompanying proposals. As the appropriate way of managing in-school conflicts is pointed out, the study is a valuable aid for every principal in his effort for the proper management of the school human resources.

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