Emotional intelligence: an attempt of empowerment through an eTwinning interaction in High School


The article is about an educational effort to enhance emotional intelligence in secondary education. Social emotional learning, while an integral part of the curriculum, appears more necessary in times of crisis to support adolescents’ emotional balance and create strong social bonds. Thus, the eTwinning project “Minds & hearts”, was created, among Greece, Spain, Italy, Poland, designed with a series of reflective activities in order for students to increase their EQ and to effectively deal with difficult situations. During the course, they listened to experts’ advice (TED talks/ask a psychologist), learned how emotions affect the way we react to others and shape how they see us, and discovered the importance of having quality social relationships for a fulfilling life. They interactively improved communicational and social skills, collaborated in international teams researching real-life problems, made decisions responsibly, taught the results of the research to other teams digitally using the Jigsaw method.

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