In the present article is done, a brief bibliographical overview of nine (9) basic pedagogical principles of the ”Reggio Emilia” Primary School philosophy, which includes: a) the learning environment as teacher; b) the discovery and creative learning through learning materials; c) the function of classrooms with students of multiple ages; d) the development of an autonomous curriculum per school unit and a self-regulated curriculum per student; e) the promoting of emerging learning; f) the projects as the basis of learning, g) the learning for the connection of relations of students with the reference group, h) the use of different forms and languages of learning; i) the parental involvement in the education of students. In the chapter ‘’conversation’’ is described the important, multi-dimensional and irreplaceable role of teachers to the daily learning process and school life of Reggio Emilia Primary Schools. Finally,in the last chapter an attempt is made to explore the difficulties, the prospects, and the challenges of introducing the 9 mentioned pedagogical into the structure, function and culture of the Greek educational system.