‘Peter and the battle of feelings’: A Life Skills and Well Being Program for Pre-School pupils


The Life Skills and Well-Being Development Program ‘Peter and the battle of feelings’, aims at promoting students’ mental and social health and well-being through storytelling, audiovisual visualization and creative activities based on experiential age-appropriate teaching approaches. for pre-school students. It aims at cultivating values and life skills, such as communication, connection, solidarity and empathy, via experiential and exploratory learning which is the most appropriate approach for Kindergarten students who are the target audience of the program. It is a complete and structured proposal to be utilized as a Skills Lab, as well as a Health Education program. The teaching methodology proposed is that of Group-centered teaching which transforms the role of the teacher, from that of a leader to a coordinator and animator, thus promoting initiative, self-action and exploratory learning.

Full text: pdf‘Peter and the battle of feelings’: A Life Skills and Well Being Program for Pre-School pupils 639 KB