Postmodern interferences in adult education: towards a debate with the domineering learning foundations.


In this study and in accordance with the current specifications of the academic discussion, we attempt to raise some concerns with regards to the way adult education can give purpose to the refutation of the learning conceptual constructions according to the postmodern approach.In this way, we attempt to confront the refutations of the post-modern condition according to the philosophical thought readings and the postmodernity challenges, as well.In this endeavor we discuss the limits of the emancipatory proposals-approaches towards their opposition to the current regime, aiming at a critique with regards to the relations between power and knowledge.The key issue of the above proposal is considered to be the dynamic of the political action as an indication of a democratic reading of the social differences.
More specifically, the postmodern approaches of the post-industrial society form a communicative construct of post-symbolic systems, establishing an open script in terms of discontinuity.It is the post-narrative discontinuity of the subject’s fluctuations of manner, which reads local deterministic heterotropias of non-linear systems.On the other hand, the political-economic reconstruction and the management perception of labor structures readjust the way of the production processes regulation according to the requirements of traditional liberalism.In this context, reproduction of social context is constantly spreading to the emaciations of historicity and collective consciousness.Therefore, the individualis subject to a historical randomness that feeds the principles of an impersonal existence in the way of an ideational approach.In this context, individual questions are raised with regards to the role of adult education as well as the thought processes of critical thinking.How, in other words, is the reflective course of thought defined? Howis the aporetic critique of a trainee adult judged?How is self-awareness of the adult learner’s social reference comprehended?Which is, ultimately, the orientation of adult education in the post-modern conditions of education?The above queries attempt to draw up a new proposal of thought processes for the detection of philosophical proposals according to the way in which knowledge systems are built.On the other hand, the way of understanding the above processes will attempt to create a new orientation of thinking concerning the course and transformation of adult education in recent years. Therefore, the point at issue is not a new identity of adult education in terms of a coordinated specification but a new reference of it to the world, which is constantly transformed through the meanings of the language history.

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