The 2018 Pisa (Programme for International Student Assessment) test results, which were announced in December 3, 2019 (Sleicher, 2019), showed no progress in the EU students’ performance in Mathematics and Science (European Commission, 2019). From 2000 to 2015, the advancement of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education has not been very encouraging. In the 2018 Pisa test, the situation remained static despite the EUN’s (European Schoolnet’s) ongoing activity during the last few years in Europe (Billon et al. 2019). The continued enlargement of the European Union, the different national curricula of the EU member states and the increase of the immigrant and refugee flows have contributed to the recorded stagnation. STEM education, involving an integrated approach to teaching Sciences in conjunction with an Enquiry-Based approach to learning, is directed at developing students’ problem-framing and problem solving skills as well as their ability to contextualize scientific concepts in real-life situations. The object of this article is to monitor the progress of STEM Education from 2000 to 2018 and to assess the way that the increase of EU student interest in STEM subjects is measured by taking into account the un-derachievement of fifteen-year-old students in Mathematics and Science (Titin-Snaider et al., 2018) as well as the achievement of the SDG4 (Sustainable Development Goal 4) goal for quality education and sustainable development (Unterhalter, 2019).