The paper discusses the findings of the European Survey on Language Competences – ESLC (2011) and concerns the presentation of important indicators of the teaching of modern foreign languages in 16 educational systems – among which Greece is included – in the last year of lower secondary education (ISCED2) and the second year of upper secondary education (ISCED3).In the paper there are also presented data fromthe joint Eurydice/Eurostat publication produced in close cooperation with the European Commission Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe(2012), which contains an analytical description of the teaching of modern foreign languages in 32 european educational systems. The information provided attempts to elucidate the policy appliedas far as the teaching of modern languages is concerned, the degree of supportprovided through National Curriculums and teaching practices, and, finally, the language proficiency students achieve through their schooling·as such the comparative presentation of the data constitutes an indicator of the efficiency of educational policy in Greece in that field.