CLIL revisited: Exploiting a board game to teach poetry


Board games are welcomed in CLIL practices as learners actively co-construct meaning, express their thoughts in creative ways (Alexiou, 2009; Marsh et al., 2001), make comparisons and fully exploit their previous knowledge (Karasimos, 2021). In this study, the pedagogical value of board games was combined with the CLIL methodology through teaching poetry. Cavafy’s fa-mous poem “Ithaca” and the emerging topics associated with ‘other people’s Ithaca’ resulted in the engagement of the students in critical thinking via meaningful activities. The present study was conducted in a 6th grade of 24 students at a primary school in Northern Greece with the aim of measuring the potential of the board game to advance the CLIL approach. A teacher’s obser-vation list was implemented to gather the results of the study. The collected data advocated the hypothesis that the CLIL framework in the form of a board game managed to enrich foreign lan-guage learning, enhance the students’ mastery of the content of a poem, improve their critical reasoning and foster tolerance of diversity when the students discussed other people’s Ithacas.

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