Adult Trainer Training in Lego We Do 2.0 Distance Learning Robotics Training Program


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a distance learning program using an e-learning platform is suitable for training adult learners who wish to engage in educational robotics, because there is a large gap in a collective training process for the training of robotics instructors. Thirty robotics instructors participated in the 6-week training program either at advanced, basic or beginner level with different professional and educational backgrounds. The study examined quantitatively and qualitatively whether educational robotics can be carried out remotely and the appropriateness of this method. The results of the study showed that the programme had a positive impact on participants, as it indicated the potential for further development. Participants expressed their satisfaction with the programme as well as the strands that want further improvement. Therefore, despite the fact that the sample is uneven in relation to its demographic characteristics, it has been understood that educational robotics can be taught at all lengths and widths of the world through specialized training platforms and further pilot implementation of corresponding programmes is needed in order to generalise results from various educational robotics packages with the result that we can lead to the implementation and training of robotics instructors.

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