The field of educational administration during the last decades has made rapid progress, while at the same time it has managed to solve a lot of problems. Nevertheless, many pupils are still marginalized due to the learning difficulties or special educational needs they face. That is why school principals are called upon to take action to create inclusive schools. The present research is based on the collection and analysis of mixed research data. The sample of the research consisted of 177 participants and specifically 93 teachers, 16 carers of pupils identified as having special educational needs, 13 assistant principals, 5 principals, 18 parents of pupils identified as having special educational needs and 32 parents of pupils not identified as having special educational needs. Studying the results of the research we came to the conclusion that the attempt of the principals to create inclusive school environments often fails, as it is hindered by factors such as bureaucracy, lack of financial resources and individualized teaching. Particularly encouraging, are the results of the study, which show that the use of emotional intelligence by a school principal could overcome obstacles that arise in the principal’s attempt to effectively include students who have been marginalized in the past.
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