The resilient teacher seems to do better in the difficulties that prevail in a school environment. In these conditions, he has characteristics that protect him but also strengthen him so that he can cope with adversity. The present study aimed to investigate and measure the levels of mental resilience in primary school teachers.
This research was quantitative with the Connor – Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) as the main research tool, which measures the levels of mental resilience. The sample was opportunistic, and the data collection was based on the principles of availability and accessibility. The research involved a total of 164 (N = 164) teachers, kindergarten teachers and teachers of various other specialties, who teach in primary education, in schools in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The research data were analyzed with the statistical program SPSS, while then the results were interpreted according to the evaluation criteria of the scale. These showed that most educators showed high levels of mental resilience with an average of 72.82 and a standard deviation of 13,070, while Cronbach’s Alpha index for checking the reliability of the CD-RISC scale had a value of 0.830.It seems that the research subjects are characterized by quite high levels of mental resilience and this does not seem to differ in terms of the demographic parameters of each person who participated in the research.
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