Teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards adapted physical activity and inclusive education of students with disabilities.


The term of inclusive education is gaining more and more ground in the Modern Greek educational system. The integration of children with disabilities and special educational needs in Education is a necessity for removing barriers to their participation in social becoming. The Physical Education lesson should be taught in such a way that all children participate, providing them with incentives to participate in physical activity and sports in general. The school, and in particular the teachers of children with disabilities, are called upon to play an important role. In the present project, using the semi-structured interview method, the views and perceptions of ten (10) Special Education and Training Teachers and Special Educational Staff regarding the participation of children with disabilities and special educational needs in physical activity and sports were recorded. The results showed that Teachers are positive about the application of inclusion, considering that this also enhances the quality of life of children. However, financial and family reasons keep students with disabilities away from sports activities, while the Greek State has not taken the necessary measures to integrate students with disabilities into sports.

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