The present research has been conducted to present the administrative management of the phenomenon of school bullying in Primary Education through a case study. It is related to an important issue that has acquired worrying dimensions, not only in Greece but at an international level as well. A qualitative method has been used for the conduction of this study, given that it is the most suitable for the projection of this phenomenon. Semi-structured interviews took place and were later grouped through a content-analysis method. The research sample consisted of 12 educators from primary schools of a Greek prefecture in the school year 2018-2019, divided through triangulation, constituting part of the originality of the present research. From the content analysis of the interviews, it has been ascertained that teacher-parent-headmaster cooperation was deemed necessary regarding the prevention and tackling of school violence. All interviewees agree that the role of the headmaster is decisive and includes multiple roles. School principals and teachers stressed the need for the teaching staff to train themselves regarding the issue of bullying. The present research aimed to project this phenomenon in primary education and encourage policymakers to reduce bullying incidents.