In the field of Physical Education (PE) teaching, although multimedia applications are constantly being introduced, however, only few of them are directed to everyday practice. The aim of this paper is a) to highlight the necessity of documenting in theoretical terms the design of multimedia methods and products for motor skill learning and b) to present learning theories that promote efforts of this kind. Among other theories, the basic theoretical principles of multimedia learning are being analyzed and proposed as benchmarks for the design of cognitive fostering applications intended to be used during motor skill learning. With the ultimate goal being the enrichment of traditional teaching methods, selected examples of technologically supported PE instruction are presented within activities of social interaction and guided discovery. From the conclusions, it seems that the pedagogical use of technology can provide opportunities for individualized instruction, communication and feedback when used with a focus on promoting movement literacy and improving the quality of PE teaching.
Full text: Learning theories and use of multimedia technology in Physical Education teaching467KB