Teaching Sociology using Drama Technique


The current paper addresses the effectiveness of teaching sociology through the use of drama. The followed methodology is a combination of quantitative and qualitive research methods, such as the relevant literature review or the research through questionnaires. The questionnaires were answered by 93 university students from the Department of ESECE, University of Patras. There was a certain procedure followed: the university students attended their 2nd -year class concerning Sociology and especially Karl Marx’s theory. The class was held through the use of a theatric play ‘Marx in Soho’, written by Howard Zinn. After all, as far as the research findings are concerned -which were analysed by using SPSS-, the preliminary hypotheses were confirmed. The university students evaluated positively the use of drama during the sociology class: they alleged the use of drama and its integration during the university classes. Plus, they desired to be active members of the drama procedure in the future.

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