The ethics of care in special education


Nowadays, everyone could observe several prejudices towards disabled people which expand in two branches. The former is related to social structure and the latter to professional life. According to this unjustified attitude we could say that is not only spotted towards disabled people but to every vulnerable group of population. Why people feel aggravation and aversion to frail and “dependent” individuals? This study claims to give prominence to the ethics of care, traditional ethical systems, promoting several aspects of feminists who devised that theory. In addition, it aims to explain the reason why ethic plan could be proved beneficial if this could ever be included in school curriculum as a common practice and also as a teaching subject. Considering certainly that ethics constitute a useful implement in order to create more democratic and cogitative individuals. Examining the ethics of care, an investigation has also been accomplished with title “Views and perspectives of SEN teachers towards inclusive education. At the end of this study, the results that have been collected through interviews are analysed. More specifically, it is explored how necessary the ethics are and how crucial an ethical education could be. In this study participated 10 SEN teachers whose interviews are indispensable investigating their views on the nature and necessity of ethical education. The results of the research are outlined.

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